Wishes Granted

Here are just a few of the over 1,500 wishes Wishes Can Happen has granted over the past 35 years!


Born with many complex conditions, Walter endures seizures and complications with cerebral palsy, as well as lives his life on a vent. This wish trip meant the world to his mom and dad. …

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Some kids ask for trips as their wish trip, but Wesley is a little boy that loves to play at home. He asked for something that would last, so his wish was a backyard…

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Xavier is a very well mannered 11-year-old with two very ornery brothers (just look at them in the pics and you'll agree!) and a sweet sister. After completing treatments for cancer, he asked for…

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Zach Johnson (along with his mom, grandma, brother and sister) headed off to the beautiful island of Maui for a week. It was Zach's wish to take this trip because he knew that his family…

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What could be better than turning 5? Turning 5 while on your wish! Little Zoe felt like a queen for a week every where she went! With a big send-off from Moana,…

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