Know a child we can help?
When we hear of a child suffering from a life threatening illness, we feel such sadness.
We wish there was something we could do - some way we could help.
Often we do nothing, because we don't know what to do! Now you can help - it's as easy as completing the referral form below. Your referral can be named or anonymous and you can rest assured that Wishes Can Happen Inc. will interact with the family in the most professional manner. Our wish coordinators are experienced in dealing with the special needs of our wish families and extra care will be given to each and every detail of the wish. The only qualifications are that the child:
When you press SUBMIT, this form will be delivered to us by email. If you'd rather call in your referral direct, you may call our office at (330) 966-0043.
Let us know how you would like to help and we'll try to match you to some of our wish-granting opportunities!