Iris has fought cancer like a girl for the past year. A competitive cheerleader, all her energy had to be focused on enduring the treatments that would get her on the other side. She loves crafting, and her wish was to create a "Girl Cave" of sorts, complete with her own space that held furnishings, materials and technology to create amazing projects. We were happy to oblige with the best and brightest we could find! All of the materials for whatever she can dream up can be stored in her CREATE A ROOM DREAM BOX that opens up to a width of nearly 10 feet. We hooked her up with the tools to make her dreams a reality with a Cricut, I-Pad Pro and design programs. A shopping spree to pick out her very own stuff thrilled her. Best part according to mom . . . this gives her daughters a private space to reconnect after so much time lost. She says it really warms her heart to watch them. AND ever better best part . . . IRIS IS RINGING THE BELL SOON AT AKRON CHILDREN'S, SIGNIFYING THE END OF TREATMENT!
Let us know how you would like to help and we'll try to match you to some of our wish-granting opportunities!