
All Wishes

Evie was born with a condition that requires constant, round-the-clock care. Her sparkling eyes draw you in, and her smile and personality warm your heart! The details of her wish trip simply delighted her, and she was so excited to be travel by plane (first time) to Florida to Give Kids the World and to Disney. Because her health condition is so complicated and she requires a lot of medical equipment and supplies, we ordered them from a medical supply and had them in their villa before they arrived. Two nurses helped to take care of her while there, and Evie especially enjoyed having the attention of her mom and grandma constantly. We arranged a Bibbidy Bobbidy Boutique experience for Evie - the whole group had a wonderful time!

Ready to become a volunteer?

Let us know how you would like to help and we'll try to match you to some of our wish-granting opportunities!