
All Wishes

Jack, 13 years old, was born with a lung disease called Cystic Fibrosis (CF). It’s a disease that affects the lungs and many CF kids cannot keep up with their peers during physical activities. Jack has to do three breathing treatments — two of which he has to do twice a day — and has quite a few medications to remain active. He wears a vest two times per day for 30 minutes each time, which pound on his lungs to help keep them clear of the thick sticky mucus that his body produces because of CF. Jack’s will to beat CF is without compare and he works hard, physically and mentally, to overcome its many obstacles. Jack asked Wishes Can Happen for some fitness and weight-lifting equipment for the family’s basement, so he could work out to keep his lungs strong and healthy. Together with Health and Fitness Equipment Centers, Wishes Can Happen outfitted the room designated as “Jack’s Gym” with a whole gym, free weights/bench, new technology barbells and accessories such as weighted workout gloves and vest. Now the whole family can work out together.

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